Saturday, February 9, 2013

Operation save Streaky's bacon... and freedom for the little fella

Well not exactly to plan, as Streaky is in the pen .

Saving Streaky's bacon
But as we let the little fella out, or more to the point he let himself out, with some assistance from the other pigs Saturday morning. Given it had been the plan to let him out Friday evening (hence why Matt had cut the wires holding the pen closed). The plan was to encourage Smokey (our bore) in, and keep him there for a few days- til Streaky comes into season. (As we think she should be due in the middle of the week), Valentine’s day to be exact... so maybe 'absence can make the heart grow stronger'... for her sake.

This plan however was not happening, and an opportunity came up. As Streaky happily obliged, taking Smokey's bait.
Guess the result us the same...Hopefully separating them before she's due in season may increase interest for when she does.
Fingers crossed as thus is her last hope... or she will be for the freezer.
In fairness she has been rather calm about the whole thing, with the exception of feeding time. She gets especially vocal and anxious, until she realises she's getting her own supply that the others can not have any of.
Guess its for her own benefit in the long run, or as Matt reminds me, "she would make awesome hams". A really I understand when rearing pigs. But the plan was the breeders were to be pets.

Saturday in the Sun

As for Berky, he had a ball! I was a little concerned that he maybe small enough to fit under then fencing; and whilst he has exploited the boundary for snuffling. So he already understands what the electric fence is and what it does. But generally he hasn't ventured far from Mum. 

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